The system WinLalur was developed with the objective of allowing the Bookkeeping of the Lalur Book, the Lacs Book and the calculation and calculation of the IRPJ for the Taxable Income and the CSLL, including the control of the balances of Part B and the calculation of Tax Incentives, in an easy, manual or (if integrated into Data Cempro's ContabMilenium system), for any year of calculation).
Data Cempro's WinLalur system has a standard Lalur account template that can be modified by the customer and configured according to each need.
The program also has an intelligent routine for generating Entry of additions, exclusions and offsets based on the settings of Lalur accounts with the Accounting Chart of Accounts, as well as an automatic search for withholding taxes to offset as well as losses from previous years.
It also has an option for filters and report settings that can be exported and sent via email.
In addition, it is completely updated with the IRS integrations and exports to SPED
Registrations and Tables
Registration of Companies;
Accounting Accounts, customizable by the client according to their needs;
Referential Accounts Plan for SPED generation;
Standardized Logs;
Data from those responsible for the company, partners and accountant;
Option for Manual Entry of additions, deletions, offsets, deductions, etc.
Intelligent routine for automatic generation of the above Transactions, when the base is integrated with Data Cempro's Contabmilenium system, based on accounting pre-configurations with the Lalur system;
Automatic exclusion of previously generated Entries, when generated again for the same period;
Default loading of settings with the ContabMilenium system, when the Chart of Accounts used is the System Default;
Default load of settings for SPED when Lalur accounts used is system default;
LALUR book with option to print Part A and Part B, analytically or synthetically;
LACS book with option to print Part A and Part B, analytically or synthetically;
Statement of IRPJ and CSLL Calculation, Annual or Quarterly or Monthly for the purposes of Reduction or suspension;
Listing of Lalur / Lacs Accounts – SPED Referential Plan;
Opening and Closing Terms of Lalur / Lacs Books
Exports, Imports and Integrations
Accounting SPED and ECF – Fiscal Accounting Bookkeeping;
Integrated with Data Cempro's Accounting systems;
Other Operations
All Reports can be previewed on screen with zoom in and out;
All Reports can be emailed, exported to PDF and saved to files;
Attachment routines that allow you to attach any type of file (documents, photos, images, spreadsheets, etc.) to the system's registration records;
Custom Fields – allows the user to create other fields to store information of their choice in the system's tables and records;
Parameter Routines that allow the configuration of several functionalities according to the preference of each company/user;
Audit Routine – Allows you to view the Logs (Record of who did it, what did it and when it did it) of the main changes made by users to system information, which may modify calculations or extract unauthorized information.
Routine Internal and External Notifications and Alerts;
Integration with Web Sharing, Data Cempro's file sharing and information exchange website,
Allows configuration of colors and layout of icons on the screen;
Integration with Data Cempro Online Support and updates;
Integration with Social Networks (Face Book, Twitter and You Tube);
Typing assistance with word and phrase suggestions from the information already recorded in the system;
Grid for visualization of Records Records with the possibility of resizing the screen, configuring visible columns, ordering columns, grouping, filtering and Location by column and exporting to Excel, HTM, XML and Text.
Hour Calculator, Normal and Calendar calculator;
Manual / Help On Line, context sensitive;